Friday 17 April 2015

Update...kind of : /


I have not been very active recently and that is because of one horrible reason....SCHOOL IS BACK ON!! so I forgot about exams and tests so I have had no time to blog which makes me sad because I love blogging. I had a blog before and it had quite a lot of readers but I shut it down because it wasn't anonymous and people at my school made fun of me for it :(! so I started this one and haven't told any of my friends about it so they cant "accidently" tell someone else until the bully finds out again!!!

anyway on with the update! I need a camera to take my own pictures for this blog. I used my I pod for the old blog but I broke it and for some reason my iphones camera is much worse quality. My birthday isn't until the start of June so I wont be able to get it till then :(.I'm not really sure what camera to get either so I would love if you helped me out with a couple suggestions in the comments below:). Thanks xx

                                  Problem Prone
                                                            going back to the real world xxx

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