Wednesday 1 April 2015


Spring has always been my least favourite time of the year. There's nothing wrong with spring and I don't dislike the season its just not SUPER EXITING! I feel like every season has got something really exciting in them except spring for instance -

Summer - um hello...SUMMER HOLIDAYS! 6 weeks of no annoying teachers, homework boring lessons and for me a lot of "popular" people who manage to get on every nerve I have. ;D

Fall/autumn - you get to start making your room nice and cozy again. Also the trees start to look really pretty and cool with the brown, red and gold leaves and how could I forget the one and only pumpkin spice latte!

winter- snow is falling , the fires roaring , Christmas music is softly playing through your headphones , being cuddled up in onsies and blankets while sipping hot chocolate with the perfect messy bun on your head. what's not to love?

But when it comes to spring I'm not really interested. Sure you get a couple of chocolate eggs which I enjoy but spring is just an awkward month where it will be like summer for 3 hours but after that its winter.

Tell me your favourite season below and how do you feel about spring?

                          That's it so
                                                     Problem Prone going back to the real world. xxx

1 comment:

  1. That's True, You're Descriptions for Each Made me Want all Those Seasons Back! XOXO - Jules!
