Saturday 4 April 2015

Getting rid of Clingy Friends...


I have some amazing friends who care about me, make me laugh and are there for me when I need them. I also have a few Best friends who are the craziest, funny, f*cked up people you would ever meet :'D ! but some "friends" you kind of get stuck with! Sometimes they will use you, Sometimes you might even use them, but some people are just clingy and get super jealous when you don't hang out with them or even just talk to other friends. These people try to make you love them but they just drive you away. I had about 3 of those in my life but I got rid of them nicely.

Here are some of my tips on getting rid of a clingy friend!-

1.Hang out with other people that the clingy friend doesn't like or doesn't know.

2. when they ask to hang out or go places with you tell them your busy.

3. try not to sit by them in school and avoid them at lunch.

4.if you see them coming walk away or pretend you didn't hear/see them.

5. ignore them or put headphones in to block them out.

6. if they haven't already gotten the hints its time to tell them that its not working out and you don't want to be their friend  anymore but don't make a huge deal out of it do it in private .

Hope these help get rid of unwanted friends

     that's it so
                        problem prone going back to the real world xxx

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