Friday 17 April 2015

My school moring routine :)

Hi dear old friends of mine, today I thought it would be cool to do a morning routine for school!

7:30am - wake up from the most annoying alarm ever looking like a BEAST! Then stay on my phone for like 10 mins going through snapchat, instagram ,twitter, pintrest, youtube and cheaking my blog.

7:40am -Throw hair up into quick bun and hop in the shower (just washing my body ;D )

7:45am- get out of shower and just sit in my towel doing nothing for 5mins

7:50am-change into my EXTREMALLY UGLY UNIFORM and run down starirs quickly to get breakfast

8:00am- get yelled at by my mum beacause im not ready and have been wasting time on my phone (this happends everyday ;D)

8:10am-brush teeth, style hair and put on my make-up trying to make my eyebrows on fleek!

8:20am- shove books in bag and race out the door before my mum realises I should of left 10 mins earlier

8:50am- sprint into registration with my best friend as our names are being called

tada that's my morning routine  hope you enjoyed!
                                            that's it so
                                                           Problem Prone going back to the real world xxx


  1. I'm a bit of a procrastinator too and if I'm not careful, will end up spending all of my time on social media, when I'm supposed to be getting ready!

    I love your blog's design!

    Kate x

  2. I'm a bit of a procrastinator too and if I'm not careful, will end up spending all of my time on social media, when I'm supposed to be getting ready!

    I love your blog's design!

    Kate x

    1. love your blog too! <3 I already do waste ALL my time ;D

  3. Ugh, mornings! :( The horrors that start every day. I am most definately not a morning person, and my routine depends on how early I wake up. If I wake up early, God help anyone who annoys me. If I have a lie in, then I will watch Netflix until the laptop goes out of battery ;)
    My teacher would gut me like a fish and make a coat out of my skin if I was late for class. After all, we all call her The Trunchbull for a reason....
    Thanks for following my blog! :) Much appreciated <3

    1. my teacher is a grumpy 40 year old man who smells like cat food and has millions of dandruff flakes all over the only black jumper he wears ;D no problem about the follow I really like your blog xxxx
