Sunday 26 April 2015

Summer bucket list

I know its not quiet summer yet but in the UK its been pretty warm for the past week or so and I've always wanted to do a summer bucket list  for a while now so I thought why not start early? Hope you enjoy and maybe you can have your own bucket list and put some of my ideas in yours. <3 ( keep in mind some of these are really pointless and childish  :) )

1.Go on holiday

2.Loose some weight

3.Build forts

4.Blog more than once a week!

5.Use my polaroid

6.Learn to play an instrument

7.Have a water fight with friends

8.Go the beach

9.Make healthy smoothies

10.Decorate my room for summer

11.Meet bars and melody <3 (google them if you don't know them)

12. Tan! (I'm so pale!!)

13.Have a movie day with friends

14.Try not to poo myself watching season 6 of Pretty little liars! (WHO IS CHARLES?!)

15. Clean out my closet

16.Make cookies

17.Go out for ice cream

18.Maybe get rid of my fringe or dye my hair

19.Take cool tumblr-y pictures for the blog

20.Successfully paint my nails without painting
half my hand as well!

21.Movie marathon

22.Be happy

23.See the sun set

24.Stay up for 24 straight

25.Own a dream catcher

26.Go to a concert

27.Mini golf

28.Go to the summer festival

29.Meet new people

30.Complete this bucket list

That is most the fun stuff I want to do this summer but obviously I will do other things! tell me below if you have a bucketlist and if so what do you want to do the most.
that's is so
                  problem prone going back to the real world xxx

Friday 17 April 2015

My school moring routine :)

Hi dear old friends of mine, today I thought it would be cool to do a morning routine for school!

7:30am - wake up from the most annoying alarm ever looking like a BEAST! Then stay on my phone for like 10 mins going through snapchat, instagram ,twitter, pintrest, youtube and cheaking my blog.

7:40am -Throw hair up into quick bun and hop in the shower (just washing my body ;D )

7:45am- get out of shower and just sit in my towel doing nothing for 5mins

7:50am-change into my EXTREMALLY UGLY UNIFORM and run down starirs quickly to get breakfast

8:00am- get yelled at by my mum beacause im not ready and have been wasting time on my phone (this happends everyday ;D)

8:10am-brush teeth, style hair and put on my make-up trying to make my eyebrows on fleek!

8:20am- shove books in bag and race out the door before my mum realises I should of left 10 mins earlier

8:50am- sprint into registration with my best friend as our names are being called

tada that's my morning routine  hope you enjoyed!
                                            that's it so
                                                           Problem Prone going back to the real world xxx

Update...kind of : /


I have not been very active recently and that is because of one horrible reason....SCHOOL IS BACK ON!! so I forgot about exams and tests so I have had no time to blog which makes me sad because I love blogging. I had a blog before and it had quite a lot of readers but I shut it down because it wasn't anonymous and people at my school made fun of me for it :(! so I started this one and haven't told any of my friends about it so they cant "accidently" tell someone else until the bully finds out again!!!

anyway on with the update! I need a camera to take my own pictures for this blog. I used my I pod for the old blog but I broke it and for some reason my iphones camera is much worse quality. My birthday isn't until the start of June so I wont be able to get it till then :(.I'm not really sure what camera to get either so I would love if you helped me out with a couple suggestions in the comments below:). Thanks xx

                                  Problem Prone
                                                            going back to the real world xxx

Saturday 4 April 2015

Getting rid of Clingy Friends...


I have some amazing friends who care about me, make me laugh and are there for me when I need them. I also have a few Best friends who are the craziest, funny, f*cked up people you would ever meet :'D ! but some "friends" you kind of get stuck with! Sometimes they will use you, Sometimes you might even use them, but some people are just clingy and get super jealous when you don't hang out with them or even just talk to other friends. These people try to make you love them but they just drive you away. I had about 3 of those in my life but I got rid of them nicely.

Here are some of my tips on getting rid of a clingy friend!-

1.Hang out with other people that the clingy friend doesn't like or doesn't know.

2. when they ask to hang out or go places with you tell them your busy.

3. try not to sit by them in school and avoid them at lunch.

4.if you see them coming walk away or pretend you didn't hear/see them.

5. ignore them or put headphones in to block them out.

6. if they haven't already gotten the hints its time to tell them that its not working out and you don't want to be their friend  anymore but don't make a huge deal out of it do it in private .

Hope these help get rid of unwanted friends

     that's it so
                        problem prone going back to the real world xxx

Wednesday 1 April 2015


Spring has always been my least favourite time of the year. There's nothing wrong with spring and I don't dislike the season its just not SUPER EXITING! I feel like every season has got something really exciting in them except spring for instance -

Summer - um hello...SUMMER HOLIDAYS! 6 weeks of no annoying teachers, homework boring lessons and for me a lot of "popular" people who manage to get on every nerve I have. ;D

Fall/autumn - you get to start making your room nice and cozy again. Also the trees start to look really pretty and cool with the brown, red and gold leaves and how could I forget the one and only pumpkin spice latte!

winter- snow is falling , the fires roaring , Christmas music is softly playing through your headphones , being cuddled up in onsies and blankets while sipping hot chocolate with the perfect messy bun on your head. what's not to love?

But when it comes to spring I'm not really interested. Sure you get a couple of chocolate eggs which I enjoy but spring is just an awkward month where it will be like summer for 3 hours but after that its winter.

Tell me your favourite season below and how do you feel about spring?

                          That's it so
                                                     Problem Prone going back to the real world. xxx

The starting line

Hey guys I'm problem prone and welcome to my blog!

This blog is NOT going to be me crying to you guys and feeling sorry for myself because I dropped my phone or I didn't have wifi for a day (but thank god that ones not true!)
This is gonna be a fun little corner of the internet full of colours, pictures and (hopefully) posts that you find interesting!

                            that's it so
                                            Problem prone is going  back to the real world xx