Saturday 10 October 2015

Things to love about fall!

Finally I can return to the amazing world of blogging (hopefully some of you amazing readers are still here!) so as everything for me is happy right now I wanted to make a little list of things to be happy about in fall in case your a bit sad summer is like 8 MONTHS AWAY!!!!!!!!!

1.Everything pumpkin spice!!!!

2.The super cute and tumblr leaves

3.its getting colder so we can all look super cute in all the fall fashion


5. longer nights so more time to snoooozzzzeeeeeee


7.dark lipstick colours!

8.No more outside P.E, we get to stay cozy in the gym

9. wellies/rainboots to splash in puddles in. more sweating like a pig as summers over

11.make up will now stay on my face again

12. cuddles with bae while watching movies (by bae I mean pizza)

13. Slippers, onsies and blanket's

14.its no longer leg shaving season more bikinis till next year so who cares if you gotta lil squishy belly (even if you do you are still perfect and beautiful <3)

so there we go, WHOOOOOO! I love fall so much <3 maybe ill do one of these every season. tell me what you think below and if you think I missed any super important ones out.
that's it so
                    problem prone going back to the real world xxx

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Whats in my school bag :)

Hola bitches,

My laptops still playing up so its hard to blog regularly but im trying. So today I decided to do a little whats in my bag post I dunno why I just wanted to ;D . (just pulling things out randomly so no actual order) anyway onto my bag.

Firstly my bag is galaxy print bag from amazon and it was £19.99. (

First thing in my bag is Books. just boring work books for Spanish, history, geography etc.

Next I have a little makeup bag with just some girly essentials such as :
- dove compressed deodorant
- lip balm
- powder and a brush
- hair ties and bobby pins
-mini hair brush
- and some pads and tampons because
you never know when Mr.periods gonna
knock on your door ;D

Next pencil case. Its just a boring purple and white polka dot one from Tesco. nothing special
and inside I just have the basics : pen, pencil, ruler, rubber ,sharpener and some coloured pencils.

Then I have paper towns (book by john green) because sometimes my registration teacher likes to force us to read and if we don't have a book we get a warning in our planners ;(

Then I have this cute lil note book from Tesco's with a squirrel holding a few nut saying I think that's all the nuts" even though there's like 3 on the floor by him.

After that I just have my portable phone charger free from EE and a little blue purse from new look with like £5 in it just in case.

So that's all that's in my bag I hope you enjoyed.

   that's it so
                   problem prone going back to the real world xxx

Saturday 13 June 2015


I haven't been online much since what happened with my internet "best friend" (check last post if you don't know). You guys were so amazing and helped me through it. I love you all so much your the best<3 she left me alone now and I'm so much happier ! so my birthday was like a week ago but I wasn't online then so I'm posting a little birthday haul now, hope you enjoy <3

 so its not the best camera but its good enough for now. its the canon ixus 145 in black.
(I can finally take proper pictures instead of using ones from google :D after this anyway)

2. Giant mickey mouse! (around £50 idk)
so I'm obsessed with Disney and my family know that so they got me this huge mickey and he's so soft. I love him so much

3.make up (no clue how much it cost ;D)
I got a couple things of makeup like a really nice pink  mac lipstick, the naked 3 pallet , a couple nail polishes and some new brushes.

4. SIMS :D
ok I love sims3 ( I don't like sims4 tho)
so I got fast lane stuff, katy perrys sweet treats and diesel.
all I need is movie stuff till I have them all ;D I have loads of cc aswel :D

5.and last but not least money ;)
I got like £150 from friends and other family members

im not trying to brag in anyway I just didn't know what to put up :D oh and trust me I don't usually get this much spent on me every year its just this year was a special year (not gonna say why ;) )

that's it so
                 problem prone going back to the real world xxx

Saturday 16 May 2015

i need your help :(

guys I need to talk to someone but I don't know where to go. so I'm going here. over the past 3 months   I've been getting cyber my internet best friend : ( it all started back in march when some girl on instagram started having a go at me for no reason. she pointed out everything I'm insecure about and made me think that suicide was the best option. she carried on for 3 weeks until instagram deleted her account. I was so glad she was gone and my internet best friend helped me be happy again. I told her everything! what the girl said, how it made me feel, and how it all started. She was the nly thing that made me smile. then 2 weeks ago she just came out of nowhere saying I was a fat evil bitch who should go throw myself out of a window </3 :( !! she kept saying stuff like that everyday and still dose. this morning I woke up to a message saying "hells waiting for you bitch! hurry up and die already because nobody likes you!!" I didn't do anything to her but she says all that stuff! I don't know what to do :( I block her on instagram but she keeps making new accounts. its the same with snapchat facebook tumblr and twitter!! How do I get her to stop :_ _ _ _ (

that's it so
problem prone going back to the real world :( xxx

Sunday 26 April 2015

Summer bucket list

I know its not quiet summer yet but in the UK its been pretty warm for the past week or so and I've always wanted to do a summer bucket list  for a while now so I thought why not start early? Hope you enjoy and maybe you can have your own bucket list and put some of my ideas in yours. <3 ( keep in mind some of these are really pointless and childish  :) )

1.Go on holiday

2.Loose some weight

3.Build forts

4.Blog more than once a week!

5.Use my polaroid

6.Learn to play an instrument

7.Have a water fight with friends

8.Go the beach

9.Make healthy smoothies

10.Decorate my room for summer

11.Meet bars and melody <3 (google them if you don't know them)

12. Tan! (I'm so pale!!)

13.Have a movie day with friends

14.Try not to poo myself watching season 6 of Pretty little liars! (WHO IS CHARLES?!)

15. Clean out my closet

16.Make cookies

17.Go out for ice cream

18.Maybe get rid of my fringe or dye my hair

19.Take cool tumblr-y pictures for the blog

20.Successfully paint my nails without painting
half my hand as well!

21.Movie marathon

22.Be happy

23.See the sun set

24.Stay up for 24 straight

25.Own a dream catcher

26.Go to a concert

27.Mini golf

28.Go to the summer festival

29.Meet new people

30.Complete this bucket list

That is most the fun stuff I want to do this summer but obviously I will do other things! tell me below if you have a bucketlist and if so what do you want to do the most.
that's is so
                  problem prone going back to the real world xxx