Saturday, 16 May 2015

i need your help :(

guys I need to talk to someone but I don't know where to go. so I'm going here. over the past 3 months   I've been getting cyber my internet best friend : ( it all started back in march when some girl on instagram started having a go at me for no reason. she pointed out everything I'm insecure about and made me think that suicide was the best option. she carried on for 3 weeks until instagram deleted her account. I was so glad she was gone and my internet best friend helped me be happy again. I told her everything! what the girl said, how it made me feel, and how it all started. She was the nly thing that made me smile. then 2 weeks ago she just came out of nowhere saying I was a fat evil bitch who should go throw myself out of a window </3 :( !! she kept saying stuff like that everyday and still dose. this morning I woke up to a message saying "hells waiting for you bitch! hurry up and die already because nobody likes you!!" I didn't do anything to her but she says all that stuff! I don't know what to do :( I block her on instagram but she keeps making new accounts. its the same with snapchat facebook tumblr and twitter!! How do I get her to stop :_ _ _ _ (

that's it so
problem prone going back to the real world :( xxx


  1. I feel so so sorry for you and your situation! I know that you would probably prefer advice than sympathy so I'll try and give you some but I'm not the best!

    You MUST know that absolutely NOTHING that girl is saying is true!

    Cyber bullies are horrible!

    You need to tell someone!

    Hope this helped! I'm not the best at advice!


    1. thanks it did help but I don't know who to talk to because no one cares xx

    2. Maybe talk to your parents or even THEIR parents! Xoxo

  2. Maybe you could delete social media? xoxo

  3. Problem Prone, I'm So Sorry that This is Happening. I Know it's Hard, I've Never had this Happen so I Don't Know how it Feels. Like Miss Internet said, Don't Believe Anything she's Saying. You Could Delete Social Media like Miss Internet Said too. (And I Don't Have Any so it'll be Okay and Better Without it!) I Hope this Will All Get Better for you, Best of Luck! XOXO - Jules! (I'm Working on the House Tour for you!)

    1. thank you for being there for me <3 I stayed away from the internet and now im so much happier. she left me alone because she must of got bored or something. xxx ly <3

  4. Hi, I just started following you, but from a person who was cyber bullied here's some advice that helped me.
    1. Nothing they say is true. ( You are beautiful and amazing)
    2. TELL SOMEONE (teacher, friend, relative)
    3. You're not alone. ( People are facing the samething as you and can relate)
    4. DELETE EVERY SOCIAL MEDIA, ( Just forget it)
    If you need to talk about anything I'm here to listen. Hopes this helps

    1. thank you soo much. this really helped. I did what you saud and stayed away from the internet for a bit. the girl backed of and now im happy again :) thank you <3 ( would of replied to you sooner but I was staying away from everything) xxx

  5. Oh my God. I am so sorry this is happening to you.

    My advice would first be to tell your parents. I know others have said this but it really is the best thing. They can help you catch whoever this psychopath is and put an end to this hate campaign.
    You really do not deserve this, problem prone. You are a smart, funny girl with a wonderful life ahead of you. Screw that psycho.

    Also, maybe you should a) delete your social media. And b) maybe only talk to those you know in person and are close with on the Internet?
    There are lots of creeps out there. And I am so sorry that you had the misfortune of meeting one.

    1. thank you so much <3 I did read your comments around the time when theywere posted but I took your advice and stayed away from the internet. when I went back on it properly around june 2nd -4th I saw that the bully had deleted her account because she must of saw I didn't care anymore. you helped so much thank you <3<3 xxxx
